Soaring Wandering Albatross
Soaring Wandering Albatross
Brett at Deception Island
Brett at Deception Island
Off the coast of the South Shetland Islands
Off the coast of the South Shetland Islands
Iara at Deception Island
Iara at Deception Island
Brett & Iara at Deception Island
Brett & Iara at Deception Island
Brett & Chris at Deception Island
Brett & Chris at Deception Island
Gentoo Rookery
Gentoo Rookery
Brown Skuas Eating a Penguin Egg
Brown Skuas Eating a Penguin Egg
Gentoo Sleding
Gentoo Sleding
Small Gentoo Colony
Small Gentoo Colony
Gentoo Heads to the Water
Gentoo Heads to the Water
Pygoscelis papua
Pygoscelis papua
Chris Photographs a Gentoo Penguin
Chris Photographs a Gentoo Penguin
Chris in the Snow
Chris in the Snow
Catharacta antarctica
Catharacta antarctica
Antarctic Glacial Crevace
Antarctic Glacial Crevace
Larus dominicanus
Larus dominicanus
Phalacrocorax bransfieldensis
Phalacrocorax bransfieldensis
Whaling ship wreck Gouvernoren that burned down in 1916 at Enterprise Island in Wilhelmina Bay.
Whaling ship wreck Gouvernoren that burned down in 1916 at Enterprise Island in Wilhelmina Bay.
Whaling ship wreck Gouvernoren that burned down in 1916 at Enterprise Island in Wilhelmina Bay.
Whaling ship wreck Gouvernoren that burned down in 1916 at Enterprise Island in Wilhelmina Bay.
Whaling ship wreck Gouvernoren that burned down in 1916 at Enterprise Island in Wilhelmina Bay.
Whaling ship wreck Gouvernoren that burned down in 1916 at Enterprise Island in Wilhelmina Bay.
Sterna vittata
Sterna vittata
Iara at Portal Point
Iara at Portal Point
Pygoscelis antarctica
Pygoscelis antarctica
Chinstrap on the Rock
Chinstrap on the Rock
Chris at Portal Point
Chris at Portal Point
Brett at Portal Point
Brett at Portal Point
Brett & Iara at Portal Point
Brett & Iara at Portal Point
Glacier #1
Glacier #1
Argentinian Research Station
Argentinian Research Station
Argentinian Research Station Boathouse
Argentinian Research Station Boathouse
Chinstrap Penguin
Chinstrap Penguin
Pair of Chinstraps
Pair of Chinstraps
Glacier at Melchior Island
Glacier at Melchior Island
Curious Weddell
Curious Weddell
Playful Weddell
Playful Weddell
Weddel Seal
Weddel Seal
Sleeping Weddell
Sleeping Weddell
Lounging Weddel
Lounging Weddel
Weddell Scratching
Weddell Scratching
Weddell Seals
Weddell Seals
Glacier #2
Glacier #2
Glacier #3
Glacier #3
Severe Cliff
Severe Cliff
Glacial Cave
Glacial Cave
Humpback Breeching
Humpback Breeching
Humpback Fluking
Humpback Fluking
Humpback Fluke
Humpback Fluke
Gentoo at the Beach
Gentoo at the Beach
Gentoo Toboggan
Gentoo Toboggan
Gentoo by the Marker
Gentoo by the Marker
Skua in Wait
Skua in Wait
Two Gentoos
Two Gentoos
Lord Gentoo Holds Court
Lord Gentoo Holds Court
Resting Gentoos
Resting Gentoos
Mount Francais
Mount Francais
Gentoo and the Ship
Gentoo and the Ship
Chris is Nonplused
Chris is Nonplused
Brett is Angry
Brett is Angry
Standing Gento
Standing Gento
Gentoo Walking
Gentoo Walking
Running Gentoos
Running Gentoos
Mid Coital Gentoos
Mid Coital Gentoos
Post Coital Gentoos
Post Coital Gentoos
British Airfield Museum
British Airfield Museum
Argentinian Rescue Shack
Argentinian Rescue Shack
Black Skua Crowing
Black Skua Crowing
Brown Skua Resting
Brown Skua Resting
Elephant Seal Laying
Elephant Seal Laying
Elephant Seal Sleeping
Elephant Seal Sleeping
Craggy Rocks
Craggy Rocks
Elephant Seal Sleeping
Elephant Seal Sleeping
Glacier #4
Glacier #4
Iara and the Gentoos
Iara and the Gentoos
Birds of a Feather
Birds of a Feather
Gentoo and Chick #1
Gentoo and Chick #1
Gentoo and Chick #2
Gentoo and Chick #2
Gentoo and Chick #3
Gentoo and Chick #3
Gentoo and Chick #4
Gentoo and Chick #4
Crying Gentoo Chick
Crying Gentoo Chick
Elephant Seal Skull
Elephant Seal Skull
Chris with the Glacier #2
Chris with the Glacier #2
Chris with the Glacier
Chris with the Glacier
Diomedea exulans
Diomedea exulans
Wandering Albatross
Wandering Albatross
Weddell Awakes
Weddell Awakes
Weddell Awakes
Weddell Awakes
Gentoo Walking
Gentoo Walking
Polar Plunge!
Polar Plunge!
Polar Plunge!
Polar Plunge!
Polar Plunge!
Polar Plunge!
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